B.M Art

Tasmanian Gallery

Landscapes fo the North, East coast and south of Tasmania.

Tasmanian Art 1990-2016

This gallery is a collection of paintings of scenes close to where we live. The farm scenes are close to a beautiful old historic village called Evandale. I have also included a number of scenes of the Freycinet Peninsula, in my opinion one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

The farmhouse scene with the goat was the result of a chance encounter with a curious goat who approached me to say hello, while I was exploring the north-west coast of Tasmania. The ‘First Sighting’ is a work I was inspired to do while on a visit to Bruny Island off the south-east coat of Tasmania.

On this island I stood at a place called ‘Wurrudi’s Lookout’, where the last chief of the Bruny Island people would have seen the ship of the first explorer to come to the area come to shore.


Tasmania Landscapes

Brian Mooney

Watercolour, Pencils, Egg Tempere



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Just Friends - Blue Healer

Coloured Pencil

Tasmania Meadow

Coloured Pencil

Sheoaks at Coles Bay

Acrylic & Coloured Pencil

Pirates Bay

Watercolour on clayboard

Farmyard, Westbury

Coloured Pencil

First Sighting
First Sighting

Coloured Pencil